He came with the sword
Like a prince ridding a horse
And stand beside me,,
To protect me with all thing that happen to me
Treated me like a queen
When he look my face and smile like his talking to me “how lucky I am to have u”
And make me flying to the heaven
even sometimes the sword hit me but not to much,,
And I still stand beside him..
Just because I love you. As simple as that
But that day the sword hit my heart so deeply
When the past came in ur dream and again u stuck in the past n worried about the future
My room is so silent, but my mind is so loud
All words running in my mind,,
How comes that sword who’s protect me n now hit my heart so hurt
Why u look back with a sword in the hands of u while I was beside u
I want to cry, I really do, but I guess I just don't want to give you the satisfaction of knowing that you hurt me once again..
you don't even realize what u have until it's gone... too often u wait too long to say "I'm sorry, I was wrong"
U ask me forgiveness u'd be willing to spend the rest of ur life begging me to give u another chance..
And every single chance I gave u,, n that time u look back n hurt me again with ur sword in ur hands
I’ve been learning to live without u now,,
but I miss u a lot ,,the more I know,, the more I understand
and its hurt me when u right beside me and yet i know i can never have u
How I lost me and you lost you or even,, I lost u and you lost me
But I know The higher I’m build the walls around my heart, the harder my tears fall down.
and I realized that I just need a therapy,
Maybe sometimes you just have to say what's in your heart, not just what you think someone wants to hear
Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending
As always,, u know that I'm so deeply in love with you and I know it's definitely forever kind of love...
I hope that u’ll remember me as yours and I can get ur words…
Selasa, 30 November 2010
Posted by tentang_ayu at Selasa, November 30, 2010 0 comments
Selasa, 23 November 2010
NKOTB & BSB - 2010 American Music Awards *Live* Performances
still in love with this group,,,
Posted by tentang_ayu at Selasa, November 23, 2010 0 comments
Rabu, 10 November 2010
soundtrack of perjalanan mendapatkan master *India Arie-I Choose*
Because you never know where life is gonna take you
and you can't change where you've been.
But today, I have the opportunity to choose.
[Verse 1:]
Here am I now looking at 30 and I got so much to say.
I gotta get this off of my chest, I gotta let it go today.
I was always too concerned about what everybody would think.
But I can't live for everybody, I gotta live my life for me.(Yeah)
I pitched a fork in the road of my life and ain't nothing gonna happen unless I decide.
(And I choose) to be the best that I can be.
(I choose) to be authentic in everything I do.
My past don't dictate who I am. I choose. (Yeah)
[Verse 2:]
I done been through some painful things I thought that I would never make it through.
Filled up with shame from the top of my head to the soles of my shoes.
I put myself in so many chaotic circumstances, but by the grace of God I've been given so many second chances.
But today I decided to let it all go. I'm dropping these bags, I'm making room for my joy.
(And I choose) to be the best that I can be.
(I choose) to be authentic in everything I do.
My past don't dictate who I am. I choose.
Because you never know where life is gonna take you and you can't change where you've been.
But today, I have the opportunity to choose. (Hey ey)
I used to have guilt about why things happen they way they did cuz life is gone do what it do.
And everyday, I have the opportunity to choose.
[Verse 3:]
From this day forward I'm going to be exactly who I am.
I don't need to change the way that I live just to get a man. (NO!)
I even had a talk with my mama and I told her the day I'm grown,
"from this day forward, every decision I make will be my own." And hey!
(And I choose) to be the best that I can be.
(I choose) to be courageous in everything I do.
My past don't dictate who I am. I choose.
(And I choose) to be the best that I can be.
(I choose) to be authentic in everything I do.
My past don't dictate who I am. I choose.
Because you never know where life is gonna take you and you can't change where you've been.
But today, I have the opportunity to choose. (Hey ey)
I used to have guilt about why things happen they way they did cuz life is gone do what it do.
And everyday, I have the opportunity to choose.
Posted by tentang_ayu at Rabu, November 10, 2010 0 comments
perjalanan mendapatkan master
berawal dari keinginan rasa penasaran akan sbuah jurusan d universitas, yang belum kesampaian sampai skr,
berawal dari desakan orang tua yang menginginkan jurusan ekonomi dan ditambah juga saya tidak lolos tuk jurusan yang saya inginkan, dan malah terpeleset d STAN yg memang diinginkan org tua, tapi memang ga ada salahnya, dan bahkan ga da ruginya,, bahkan sdkt meningkatkan "kualitas" yg bikin hoki :D kuakui menyenangkan memang menjadi bagian dari lingkungan sana dmn gw bisa bertemu dgn teman2 yg luarbiasa pintarnya namun tetap begituu low profile @least pada saat kuliah.yg mgkn ga bisa dtemukan d universitas2 skr yg ada d Jakarta khususnya yg pergaulannya sangat tinggi. setelah saya mendapatkan diploma saya lalu saya melanjutkan sarjana saya d UGM ya dan lagi2 dengan jurusan yg masih sama, ekonomi, karna pada saat itu UGM membuka kelas yang cukup mengiurkan dengan kerjasama STAN yang memang hanya membuka jurusan ekonomi *karna STAN memang dasarnya ekonomi* hanya dengan 1tahun saya mendapatkan gelar sarjana *semacam extention tapi lebih cepat karna hanya didapat dalam waktu min.1tahun,,* ya lagi2 saya menyenangi lingkungan yg ada,dan memang kebetulan masih dalam lingkungan yang sama sperti d STAN hanya tingkatannya saja yang beda,, setelah 1tahunn lebih tepatnya 1 3bulan saya mendapatkan gelar sarjana ekonomi UGM,, lagi2 menaikan "kualitas" :D kemudian saya bekerja pada perusahaan Oil terkemuka d Indonesia PERTAMINA sebagai junior analist untuk bagian pelumas. lagi-lagi saya mendapatkan keberuntungan dalam menajalani hidup *alhamdulilah* yang pada dasarnya memang saya tidak menyukai pelajaran ekonomi dan sampe akhirnya terpeleset yang mengantarkan saya pada perusahaan itu,, dan kembali di Pertamina saya menemukan lingkungan yang LUAR BIASA menyenangkan,, terutama memiliki boss yang pengertian dan sangat membantu. tetapi memang manusia tidak pernah merasa puas,, karna merasa tidak berkembangnyan potensi yg ada dalam diri saya dan dengan rasa penasaran yang masih hinggap d dalam diri saya sampai skr,, saya memutuskan untuk meng-apply beasiswa di Russia dengan jurusan yang saya mau yaitu communication,, dan yang pada saat itu mereka mengatakan bahwa sulit Rusia menerima mahasiswa "pindahan" jurusan yg pada awalnya berbeda,, dan kembali dengan berat hati saya menggeser pilihan saya dgn tetap berada dlm bidang yg saya inginkan namun masih berhubungan dgn jurusan awal saya,, dan saya memilih "marketing" dengan kode yang jelas yang mereka berikan ke saya.
hari berlalu menunggu hasil pengumuman beasiswa tersebut sampai pada akhirnya nama saya terdaftar *walau pada awalnya smpat ada kesalahan nama* hingga harus menunda kepergian slama 1bulan. dan juga adanya perdebatan kecil antara saya dan mama,, yang masih berat hati melepas putri bungsunya tuk pergi jauh dr rumah,, ketika putri bungsu-nya yang slalu membuat "keberisikan" sana sini, putri bungsu-nya yang malas berbenah,, putri bungsu-nya yang sering kelayapan.yang jarang dirumah,, namun merindunkan * yaa pada saat ini saya berlebihan nampaknya :p* namuunkini saya tau pasti mama pasti menyayangi saya lebih dari apapun,,seorang ibu mana yg mau jauh dari anaknya? apalagi ini ke eropa yg notabennya harus menempuh 14jam perjalanan yg cukup melelahkan dan mahal,, bukan yang cuma seperti jakarta-jogja,, dan seorang perempuan d kota entah brantah,,negara komunis dgn grup skinhead yang masih eksis,, ya sampai akhirnya beliau menyetujui kepergianku dgn hasil bujukan adiknya mama yg mana sebelumnya sudah saya ceritakan keadaannya.yang dimana saya juga harus meninggalkan 'keluarga' saya d lingkungan pekerjaan.meninggalkan keluarga 'kecil" d Pertamina adalah keputusan yang berat,karena sangat menyenangkan berada dalam lingkungan tersebut.dan tentunya meninggalkan keluarga sesungguhnya dengan teman2 terbaik yang pernah ada,dan slalu ada tidak kalah berat, namun ini adalah keputusan yang sudah saya ambil, keputusan yang memang saya rencakan sebelumnya dgn suatu harapan baru.dan selama perjalanan keberangkatan tepat pada 24 oktober 2009 saya meninggalkan Indonesia untuk kuliah d Russia dengan harapan2 yang sudah tertanam sebelumnya ,, n i hope.,
*to be continue*
Posted by tentang_ayu at Rabu, November 10, 2010 1 comments
Minggu, 24 Oktober 2010
Endah N Rhesa - Remember Me
i trying to be strong
im here standing alone
but its time for me to fight the future
i promise to come back,,
n i hope u remember me as urs,,
Posted by tentang_ayu at Minggu, Oktober 24, 2010 0 comments
Sandhy Sondoro - You And I
we born to make it better
Posted by tentang_ayu at Minggu, Oktober 24, 2010 0 comments
Sabtu, 23 Oktober 2010
Я люблю тебя ТИМА!
Мгновенья жизни- как вода
Все ускользает вдали
И рвутся мысли обогнать вновь обороты земли...
Я ускоряю ход от света
Засланяясь рукой...
Но помимаю - нет ответа...я дышу лишь тобой...
И снова точки раставляю по словам словно ножь
Они вода, но мы же знаем, от судьбы не уйдешь
Я ухожу и возвращаюсь в мир, где снова с тобой
В твоем дыхание растворяюсь, позабыв боль...
Между нами так много рассотяния, разлуки
Но они исчезают когда в тових мои руки
Временам и границам не подгласны наши чувства
И любовь между нами- Это тоже исскуство...
За тебя бесконечно благодарна судьбе...
Каждая надпись на теле говорит о тебе
Каждый час, каждый миг, я шепчу Любимый, ты один в моем сердце...
Я люблю тебя Тима...
Помню вечер в клубе "Сохо", тихо голову кружит,
Понимаю, что глоток, один лишь воздуха нужен,
Но нечаяно ловлю твой взгляд неземной,
И глаза мои шепчут: "Забери меня с собой",
Вспоминаю те минуты, и свиданья на крыше,
Ты берешь мои руки, хочу взлететь ещё выше,
Отражают глаза, того кольца волшебный свет,
И кажеться с тобою в Мире нашей звезды нет,
Между нами так много...мы бываем на грани...
Но судьбою своею, управляем мы сами,
Пусть любовь, а тревога, и эмоции лишь части,
Их скрепит, воплащет наше общее счастье!!!
За тебя бесконечно благодарна судьбе...
Каждая надпись на теле говорит о тебе
Каждый час, каждый миг, я шепчу Любимый, ты один в моем сердце...
И суровая реальность, нишх сор в холе Рица,
Выбор: дать ещё шанс или разлука...заграница?
То признанья в любви, бесконечно со мной,
Вечно в сердце моём живи...
Тима, Я хочу быть с тобой!!!
За тебя бесконечно благодарна судьбе...
Каждая надпись на теле говорит о тебе
Каждый час, каждый миг, я шепчу Любимый, ты один в моем сердце...
Я люблю тебя Тима!!!
Posted by tentang_ayu at Sabtu, Oktober 23, 2010 0 comments
Kamis, 21 Oktober 2010
TIMATI - Я буду ждать
Не помню нот я и не помню мотив
Я потерял себя её отпустив
Ты попрощалась и ушла навсегда
Сентябрь месяц и по стёклам вода.
Я знаю точно, во всём моя вина
Я был с другими, а ты дома одна
И лишь теперь я понимаю всерьёз
Что я совсем не стою твоих слёз.
И даже если ты забудешь обо мне
Я буду ждать, я буду ждать
Прости, я не сумел наше счастье удержать
Я буду ждать, я буду ждать.
И может быть ко мне вернёшься ты опять
Я буду ждать, я буду ждать
Как жаль что не успел я вслед тебе сказать
Я буду ждать, я буду ждать.
Эти видения пугают меня
Ведь в каждой встречной снова вижу тебя
Не знаю как мне эту боль отпустить
И кто бы знал что я смогу так любить.
С тобой одной хочу я жизнь разделить
Тепло тебе и нашим детям дарить
Забыв о прошлом мы пройдём сквозь года
Ведь есть одна любовь, любовь навсегда.
И полетели искры прямо из глаз
Посыпались плагины и монитор погас
Зачем мне технологии, деньги в этом мире
Если нет любви, глаза открылись шире.
Я победил в делах, но проиграл в любви
Да, я хотел семью, а что теперь - смотри
Печален, одинок, будто мотаю срок
Смотрю на небо, будто жду от Бога знак.
Я понял всё когда любви не стало
Я понял всё, но как начать сначала
Ведь я разрушил всё что строили мы годами
Ведь я разрушил всё своими руками.
И я смотрю на них, они как-будто в крови
А в отражение я вижу портрет убийцы любви
И в моей жизни нет счастья, одно лишь только горе
И я сижу и жду как старик у моря.
Posted by tentang_ayu at Kamis, Oktober 21, 2010 2 comments
Minggu, 17 Oktober 2010
Градусы - Кто ты
1 куплет.
Пешеходом уже быть достало,
И всего, как обычно, мало.
Я сижу понемногу вникаю,
Ну зачем большие окна трамваю?
Я думаю, я думаю,
Я ничего опять не придумаю.
( http://alllyr.ru/text96345.html )
Кто-то на балконе повис,
Кто-то быстро вверх потом вниз,
Я пока рисую мосты,
А ты, а ты, а кто ты?
Кто-то на балконе повис,
Кто-то быстро вверх потом вниз,
Я организую мосты,
А ты, а ты, а кто ты?
2 куплет.
У одних закипают моторы,
Закрывают глаза на приборы.
Я пытаюсь, но не понимаю,
Для чего людей так много Китаю.
Но не об этом щас.
Я думаю, я думаю,
Я ничего опять не придумаю.
3 куплет (рэп).
Утром встану, умоюсь с мылом,
Погляжу в окно вид…
Полистаю нет, посмотрю картинки,
Что меняет все, о блондинки.
Позову из нижней Натаху.
Кто стучит? Сосед? Иди на…
Пять минут готов сижу думаю,
Но опять ничего не придумаю.
Я думаю, я думаю,
Я ничего опять не придумаю.
Posted by tentang_ayu at Minggu, Oktober 17, 2010 0 comments
Kamis, 26 Agustus 2010
Sandhy Sondoro - MTV Studio - 02 End of The Rainbow
And now… I promise you…
That I will so… so close to you…
Like you want me too…
Like I want it too…
And now… I think I’m in love with you…
And…this scenes…got my eyes on you…
For the first time.. yee for the first time…
And now… I’ll pick up the star for you…
If you love me too…if you love me too…
I know… I’ll fly you to the sky over the seven sky…
If you love me too …
And now… don’t know what to do…
You got me drown so deep into…
Into you… so deep into you…
And now… I’ll pick up the star for you…
If you love me too…if you love me too…
I know… I’ll fly you to the sky till the end of the raindow
End of the rainbow…
Little by little pass your life embrace your heart…
Light my love melt into your soul….
Into your soul…yeahhh
That my love that your life embrace your heart…
melt into your soul…
End of the rainbow… Over the seven sky yeiyeyehhh…
Posted by tentang_ayu at Kamis, Agustus 26, 2010 0 comments
Minggu, 15 Agustus 2010
everything happens for a reason"
""even when we are not wise enough to see it.""
"A little patience can drastically reduce major life long errors."
""Lets ask ourselves that how often have we misjudged people and torn them to shreds with harsh words and even with physical assault before we have had time to evaluate the situation?""
"What happens is not as important as how you react to what happens" ..."
"Forget Perfection and Embrace Completion!"
"The roles of a mother and father are different responsibilities than those of husband and wife."
"Dont make promises you cannot keep..."
"You can’t change the past but you can ruin the present by worrying about the future"
"technology is dangerous..."
"happiness is a choice"
"Things taken lightly will nvr be done rightly..."
"" Choose a work which you love and you won't have to work a single day of your life. ""
Mind plays an important role in controlling our emotions...."
" Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference."
""Winston Churchill""
"More important than results is the direction where we are going."
"TIME is the biggest HEALER!!!"
"Football is OVERRATED!"
"Happiness mostly is felt while you give,that is so in every relationship"
""And the relationships last when each in relationship wants to give.""
"Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its troubles; it empties today of its strength."
We can train our minds to achieve a state of tranquillity, without being disturbed by outside forces."
"DECISIONS are the hardest thing to make.. Especially wen it's a choice between where you should be and where you want to be."
"Seeking love chases love away.."
""many people find love when they have given up the search..Many relationships break down because one or the other partner is busying him/herself seeking proof that they are loved.They forget where love begins, as they fail to give...""
"The ultimate test of a relationship is to disagree but to hold hands.. "
"The only thing which can not be recycled is WASTED TIME''"
"You have to sow before you reap. You have to give before you can get!"
"everything happens for a reason"
""even when we are not wise enough to see it.""
"An accidental meeting is more pleasant than a planned one. "
"A little patience can drastically reduce major life long errors."
""Lets ask ourselves that how often have we misjudged people and torn them to shreds with harsh words and even with physical assault before we have had time to evaluate the situation?""
"IF you can discipline your desire - you can mould good character"
"The most basic and powerful way to connect to another person is to listen. Just listen."
""Perhaps the most important thing we ever give each other is our attention.... ""
"Distance only matters to the mind, not to the heart"
"If love is your greatest weakness than you are the strongest person in the world."
The hardest victory is over self."
""I count him brave who overcomes his desires than him who conquers his enemies - Aristotle.""
"Life is unpredictable!"
"true friend are a rare present cherish them well"
"When friendship ends loves begins, when love fades can friendship begins?"
""..and if friendship ends, will hatred begins?""
"Win people, not battles."
If you are blessed with material wealth, give!"
""Give something (clothes, food, money, your time, etc) to those who really need it. There are too many children and adults in this world who need assistance of some sort. ""
"The most beautiful freedom we are given is the one to choose."
"“Never say goodbye when you still want to try, never give up when you still feel you can't take it."
""Never say you don't love the person anymore when you can't let go.""
"No one can help you unless you help yourself first!!"
are mind and heart two separate things or just a split personality of ours?"
"lies can take u to the top but can not keep u there"
Count your blessings. Once you realize how valuable you are and how much you have going for you, the smiles will return,"
""the sun will break out, the music will play, and you will finally be able to move forward the life that God intended for you with grace, strength, courage, and confidence.""
"What would be the best course of action when you do not approve of the person your son/daughter is dating?"
""How much shall you dominate or impose vs how much respect and freedom to choose? Sometimes you as a parent see disaster walking in your door and just have to step aside... after all we all have the right to make mistakes every now and then... specially when we are growing up.""
"The success of a relationship depends upon its maturity."
"should we do what we want or what we must ?"
"Eventually we are all memories in the life of others"
""Either a good or bad, and either it will stay or soon forgotten""
"The right to make your own choice is the mother of all freedom"
"are we always reluctant to undertake any responsibility & accountability ?"
"Your words represent you. Be true!"
"''you are 100% in control of your emotions''"
"Spelling and grammar are a lost skill these days."
""Texting and the simple lack of basic education is killing our language little by little. ""
"The key is not to prioritize what's on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities."
"Happiness is elusive...."
"everything happens for a reason..."
"Be the kind of person that you would want to have in your life."
"focus on doors wich are open, not the one who are closed."
"love the people who treat you right, forget about the ones who dont."
"The worst part of life is waiting. The best part of life is having someone worth waiting for."
"Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect.It means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections.???"
"The happiness you give makes you more happy than the happiness you receive."
"Love does not have a start or an end..."
"" only a continuum of emotions and feeling for one another.""
"Internet relationships are fun, but they don't compare to real life ones."
"Life is all about lessons."
""You live, you learn. You love, you learn. You laugh, you learn. You cry, you learn. You lose, you learn.""
"It’s better to live ur own destiny imprfectly thn to live an imitation of smbdy else’s life with perfection~BhagavadGita"
""Celebrating the birth of Lord Krishna""
Posted by tentang_ayu at Minggu, Agustus 15, 2010 0 comments
Sabtu, 05 Juni 2010
"Hatred is Self-punishment!!"
"Imagination is more important than knowledge."
"Our health condition will only be as good or bad as we make it."
""It's not that difficult to avoid matters as smoking, drugs or other things that might ruin our health.""
"Nothing is good or bad thinking makes it so"
"Don't say 'Yes' when u want to say 'No' !"
"Love is about feeling beautiful inside as well"
"Your greatest power is the power to choose...."
"Harmony............. ...Balance your mind, body, and soul!"
Home is in my moms eyes
God doesn’t improve , he perfect he doesn’t enhance he complete
Ladies if u’ve been cheated that doesn’t make u a less lovable person at all
U’ll never have true happiness until u do what fulfills u
All of my smile will tell u about him
Its only a words are all I have to take ur heart away
Sometimes u cant see urself until u see ur self through the eyes of others
Im leaving because u never asked me to stay
May be he’s a boy but im not that girl
Just becos u deserve it doesn’t mean they’re going to give it to u. you have to fight for it
Just because I don’t cry in front of u doesn’t means im heartless
Just because u think u know me doesn’t mean u actually do
Most dude are cool with females having fake hair,nails n so on. Its just the fake female that’s a problem
The only way to 4get a old love is to get a new love
Theres no cure for heartbreak but laughter a good medicine
Having sharp memory is great but sometimes the ability 2 forget is a lot better
Id rather be beat up than ignored. bruises last a few days but loneliness lasts 4ever
If conversation is a lyric laughter is a music
But this is the sad part we weren’t even 2gether n he broke my heart
Do not love one, not two. But love the one who loves you TOO.
Do not love three, not four. But love the one who loves you MORE
Do not love five, not six. But love the one who truly STICKS.
Do not love seven, not eight. But love the one who is willing to WAIT.
Do not love nine, not ten. But love the one who'll love you until the END.
"man tries to control the environment but nature will prove him wrong, eventually"
""volcanoes preventing flights, tsunamis, earthquakes... better off living with nature than against it""
"It is the things in common tht make relationships enjoyable, but it's the little differences that make them interesting"
"Look backward with gratitude and forward with confidence."
"god is omnipresent ."
"do not be afraid to make mistakes but do not repeat them."
"" A person can be beautiful on the outside, but true beauty comes from the inside. ""
"If you were to make the biggest decision in your life, would you rather be "Happy but wrong or sad but right?""
"Don't Limit Your Challenges.... Challenge Your Limits."
"Lifes joys come from relationships and friendships, not from material things!"
"Which team you encourage for the world cup 2010" -for me HOLLAND-
"silence is mysterious, but too much is too boring"
"Everytime you stumble, become stronger...not more vulnerable..."
"Life is like a spinning wheel..sometimes you're up, sometimes you're down.."
""Smile you're lucky when you're up there..but don't forget that you've been down there.""
"It´s never too late to start being a better person."
""Kinder, gentler, compassionate, understanding, patient, loving.""
"The feeling of falling in love is better than falling in love ; ))"
"We do not remember days; we remember moments...."
"The roles of a mother and father are different responsibilities than those of husband and wife."
Just a thought: If people talk behind your back, it simply means you are several steps ahead of them. -Dr.Seuss
"Ability may get you to the top, but it takes character to keep you there. "
"Relationships stand threatened by lack of trust and transparency than anything else."
"Remember the best relationship is one in which your love for each other exceeds your need for each other."
"Great is the man who sees the bright side of LIFE"
"Love dont need reasons, but to stop loving needs reason. "
"The mind is everything. What you think you become."
"Bad habits have short term benefits but long term consequences"
"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards"
"There's a great contentment in living life unconditionally."
Posted by tentang_ayu at Sabtu, Juni 05, 2010 0 comments
In real life, people judge me from my actions without knowing the reason behind it
That u think u are so naïf?
You think that u are nice more that me?
No!! you not better than me,,
you have 2 face
innocent and liar
That you remember that I know about you too honey?
I’m here not to threaten you
Just keep your fuckin big mouth
But just remember that Lies are like balloons.
You made the story up, it gets bigger as you blow, and then, it will pop sooner or late
N do u think I’m here just quite and not do anything?
No,, you wrong honey
You don’t know me very well
What ever your hiding someday he/she will know what you do
And I know that,,,
Don’t ever to start the game with the person that u don’t know honey
U really in a big trouble,,,
Do u ready for that?
PS : Friends never make assumptions about you. in fact friends only expect you to be you
True friends is some1 u can trust with all ur secret
Posted by tentang_ayu at Sabtu, Juni 05, 2010 0 comments
Sabtu, 22 Mei 2010
Missing u
For two night i look up at the sky
Baby tell me what can i do to make it right ?
Just because I don’t cry in front of u doesn’t means im heartless
Coz im just lying here awake all nite
and I dont know what to do
I’m just crying but u don’t know
Because the tears is the only way how my eyes speak when my mouth can’t explain
how things made my heart broken
I… can’t keep on living this way
Im leaving because u never asked me to stay
When I say “leave me alone
Its doesn’t mean I want to be alone
I just So confused n wondering why
for the way u change my plan
and make all this opened
For the ending in my first begin
Do you know how much it hurts to be missing you
And i dont understand all the reason why?
All i know is that im missin u
In my head, I see you all over me
N i just know that im thinkin of u
Are u thinkin of me too?
Cuz I miss your love so much
Baby, I’m missing you…
For the unexpected friend
For the real ure something that I never choose
But sometimes I never wanna loose
It's hard for me to tell you I love you
It's hard to decide when I'm too tired to hold on, but I'm too in love to let go
I wish i could’ve told u “i love u”
Things will never be the same without you…
I need you here with me
Just to prove to you, how much I need you here
N know its clear I need u
I need u here always
Posted by tentang_ayu at Sabtu, Mei 22, 2010 3 comments
Sabtu, 08 Mei 2010
Love isn’t finding a perfect person. It’s seeing an imperfect person perfectly
My heart is an express train, which its destination is you.
Lips that taste of tears are the best for kissing
The best kind of kiss is when you have to stop because you can't help but smile
Love can be your best friend or your worse enemy.
Where the heart is willing, it will find a thousand ways. Where it's unwilling, it will find a thousand excuses
Let your voice be heard. Stand up for what you believe in
Let love in. Follow your dreams. Be who you are.
A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous
There are no best-friends after ex-boyfriends
If love is blind, why is lingerie so popular?
"How u made the other person feel is more important than what you said"
"Everyone knows what they want, most people don't know what they need."
"Chasing After The Impossible Lead U to Lose What IS Possible......"
"Sometimes it's better to lose the argument than lose the person or the relationship."
"You will not be punished for your anger , but You will be punished by your anger"
"Everyone is gifted but some people never open their package."
"There’s nothing in this world worth having that comes easy"
Do not love one, not two. But love the one who loves you TOO.
Do not love three, not four. But love the one who loves you MORE
Do not love five, not six. But love the one who truly STICKS.
Do not love seven, not eight. But love the one who is willing to WAIT.
Do not love nine, not ten. But love the one who'll love you until the END.
"No matter how bitter is the truth..it'll always taste more better than a sweet lie."
"You can't realize how tired you are until you take vacation"
""as long as we are busy by work, we forget that we need rest""
you would never know how caring and loving your parents are until u r a mother or a father"
"Man is the most complicated living organism."
"No gift to your mother can ever equal her gift to you - life!"
"Who should make the first moves in dating?"
""Man or woman? Consider the fact that guys love the chase, but some guys are really shy. And women should keep their image as "good girl", but some women are a perfect homebody. Complicated ideas :s""
"Believe in power of prayer!!"
"Of all your promises the ones you make to yourself are the most important."
"Someone who gossips with you will gossip about you...??"
"Happiness is enhanced by others, but does not depend upon others. "
"We live in the present but are what our past has made of us."
"When you love - you want to believe. When you believe - you want to love."
"The greatest friend of man is the skill or talent...."
"Helping Hands is better than Praying Lips So be helpful to everyone."
"Winning is not everything, but wanting to win is......"
""Love without reason lasts the longest""
"Believe in power of prayer!!"
"Happiness is enhanced by others, but does not depend upon others. "
"Harmony............. ...Balance your mind, body, and soul!"
"Your greatest power is the power to choose...."
"Love is about feeling beautiful inside as well"
Posted by tentang_ayu at Sabtu, Mei 08, 2010 0 comments
Senin, 12 April 2010
Blue skies turning grey
Snow is on the ground
And will gone
Because Winters come
I’m long to not hear your voice
When I long gone
I’m too much missing you
I’m too loosing you
I’m sorry I’m so disappointed to you
And so do disappointed with myself
When I'm gone
Who'll ease your pain?
Ease your pain
When I'm gone?
Who'll watch over you?
Who will give you strength
When you're not strong?
And When youre not here
Who is gonna save me
And who'll watch over me
Whos gonna care for me
But It’s already becoming my decision
I guess
Posted by tentang_ayu at Senin, April 12, 2010 0 comments
Minggu, 04 April 2010
quote of the month
"The best April Fool's jokes are ones that do have an element of truth in them and are believable at first."
""However, one needs to ensure that April Fool's jokes are not too serious because there are implications. So be careful on April Fool's Day. Do take delight in one another, but be sensitive too.""
"Helping others to do their best ,unlocking their potentials to become better .. is what makes u a great leader"
"There is a difference between knowing the path and walking the path!"
"Desire remains as a desire till you achieve it, then there remains no desire."
"commitment is the key to a lasting relationship"
"If you eliminate physical clutter then you can eliminate spiritual clutter."
"Judge others by their questions rather than by their answers."
"The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, not to worry about the future,"
""or not to anticipate troubles, but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly.""
"If you eliminate physical clutter then you can eliminate spiritual clutter."
"After every ending there is always a new beginning"
"giving an advice is easy bt implementing in one's own life is equally difficult.."
"Giving Up doesn't always mean you are weak..Sometimes it means you are strong enough to let go"
"Be kinder than necessary, because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle"
"Errors have an unforgettable Taste... when we assimilate their Lessons..."
""Some persons can consider this as a bad moment. (1st impression) If analyze with objectivity. The experience contains a added value who is very positive and surely be useful all our life.""
"Sometimes releasing someone you love is easier said than done!!"
""Even when you know in ur mind that it's for the best, sometimes ur heart just doesn't comply.""
"Everyone has a burden. What matters is how you carry it"
"If not with right person, being single is awesome ."
""If things don't work out you better just let it go. It's so painful to hold someone who doesn't cherish you tight while the two hearts are already apart. Focus on the future and find someone who deserves your love. Delayed gratification is good.""
"Present actions of people reflect how they have been groomed in their past."
""If you know their past then you will never amaze by their present actions.""
"We need to learn the art to say NO"
""This is important to prevent people to take advantage on us. If every time we say yes, we are giving in ourselves..not good for personal growth""
"Sometimes you are a winner when u don't lose patience while you are losing the game... "
""That can make u win the game ..:)""
"There is never any failure... there can only be scope for continual improvement!"
""Time for some adjustments; modifications; re-adjustment; adaptation... Something little thing must help you achieve it.... u just need to fix it in the right place....""
"The longer the excuse, the less likely it's the truth. Right...???"
""Love is not about finding the right person, but creating a right relationship..""
"""It's not about how much love you have in the beginning but how much love you build till the end.." a really touching quote that struck me to make me realize certain things.. Credits to Teddy for letting me use this.""
"“Unless commitment is made, there are only promises and hopes; but no plans.”"
"Take responsibility for the choices you make..."
"Life is not a race, but a journey to be savored each step of the way. "
Posted by tentang_ayu at Minggu, April 04, 2010 0 comments
Kamis, 25 Maret 2010
Sometimes I feel that I miss u so much,,
But sometimes I don’t feel anything
Sometimes I wanna say that I love you too
But sometimes I not really sure about that feel
That’s way I cant say it to u
Not really sure about my feeling
Its that u the right man for me?
That the true feeling that I hiding from you
Time to be honest huh?
But thanks for be patient
Thanks to still there beside me,,
Thank for the flower n the time u always give to me
It's the one things that you do,
So physical,
I don't wanna hurt nobody,
But my heart just can't hold back,
It's the Way You Make Me Feel,
The way that you make me feel,
Spinning my world around,
Tell me how can I walk away,
I want too but I scared too,,
It's not impossible,
Got to let you know,
Posted by tentang_ayu at Kamis, Maret 25, 2010 0 comments
sorry not enough
Forgive me
Sorry i still make u hurt
I'm sorry that was just like this
Even not for the first
And just like before you were still forgive me
Still just be patient and give me the way
Still want to give your body for a hug tightly
Still, open your hand to guide me
Still, give me your shoulder to lean
And still be patient to give all existing affection
Dont know what I was looking
dont know what kind I want
dont know what else,,
I still do with selfishness
I'm still with the black veiled past baying
I'm still unprotected
Honestly I was tired
Honestly I was disappointed
I honestly wanted to get out of all
However, much less whether that is still stored in my mind
And still doubtful
Posted by tentang_ayu at Kamis, Maret 25, 2010 0 comments
Kamis, 04 Maret 2010
quote of the month
"...true words aren't beautiful, beautiful words aren't true.."
"understanding is one thing, accepting is an other"
"Love comes unseen; we only see it go........."
"Be mindful of the impact you might have on another life. "
""Accept and understand that your attitudes and choices will affect others. So, be graceful and grateful at all times. Seek to be friendly, helpful, and responsive to those in need. Be your very best, for someone is ready to mimic your every move""
"Strength of mind comes from life's experiences"
"Fondness for someone grows slowly and naturally.........."
""when u fond of symphony,it doesn't start automatically but rather start from somewhere and it then grows gradually and naturally.""
lust fades away with time, but true love remains timeless!"
"Today is International Woman's Day. You be proud as a woman."
""You women always inspired men with your love and affection and provided the men with the pleasure of having a mother, a sister, a wife and a friend. Now men should understand that Woman's empowerment is intertwined with respect for human rights. ""
"Everyday, should be Woman's Day, Men's Day and Children's Day..just celebrate Life !"
""We don't need a day or a reason to be..""
"Love is like a war: easy to start hard to end"
"it really hurts when some one leave..... without a reason....."
"“To wish you were someone else is to waste the person you are.”"
"A true Love will always want you with him, not just wishing you were with him."
"to misunderstand is easy, its the understanding part...thats the hard work!"
"experience, is what you get, when you dont get what you want!"
"you can not escape from the past"
"we always change; it is the most realistic thing in life."
"we grow out of love coz we don't feed it to grow."
"Some of the greatest battles will be fought within the silent chambers of your own soul."
"doubt is the beginning of wisdom"
"I love you- the three most overused, misunderstood, & misused words in the english language."
""But i love hearing it!""
"Goodness is The Only Investment That Never Fails...."
"One should be able to differentiate between attraction and love"
""Our attitude toward life determines life's attitude towards us.”"
"Remember to switch off your lights for earth hour, 8.30pm - 9.30pm, 27th march, 2010. Lets do something for our planet."
"“If you want to feel rich, just count the things you have that money can't buy "
"You can make all the changes you want to make in your life, you just have to start."
"Assumption is the seed of evil thoughts!"
"What people say is often very different from what they are thinking or feeling!"
Posted by tentang_ayu at Kamis, Maret 04, 2010 0 comments
Rabu, 24 Februari 2010
main hati
sungguh aku tak pandai memilih
dihatiku ada dia dan aku
namun aku dirimu dirinya tak mungkin mengerti
cinta tak akan salah
andaikan kau tetap dengan ku
meski kita harus jalan diam-diam,
seberapa salahkah diriku
yang ingin memilikimu tetap berada disampingku
namun terlambat bagiku pergi darimu
bagiku terlalu indah perasaan ini
tlah ku coba berbagai cara
kulihat hatiku
engkau ada saat aku tak ingin pergi
aku hancur aku terluka meski aku bukan dibenakmu lagi
ketika smuanya harus berakhir
ketika pelukku tak lagi berarti
masihkah aku disana direlung hati dan mimpimu?
bilakah ku pergi akankah kau kembali
namun kau hilang menjauh
mgkn mereka benar aku tak layak aku tak berhak memilikimu
andai waktu bisa kuputar kembali
ku tak mampu melupakan yg pernah terjadi
ku akui ku main hati
Posted by tentang_ayu at Rabu, Februari 24, 2010 0 comments
if only
I love u
I wanna tell u why I love u
I have to tell u
I love u since I meet u
but I didn’t truly feel it till this day
I always thinking in a head
make a decision it afraid
today because of u what I learn from u
every choice I made different in my life
its completely change
n I blind then u did it my live fully
coz it not matter if u have 5 minute or 50th years
its not for today its not for u
I never it
so thank u for being n supposed me to love
n to be love
today I bad my live
u have no I did what I feel inside
don’t be afraid to let it show
for u never know
if u let it hide
I love u , u love me
take this gift and don’t ask why
my love show u everything
one day u be standing next to me
n appreciated what i have
Posted by tentang_ayu at Rabu, Februari 24, 2010 0 comments
minggu ini
perasaanku tidak begitu tenang
entah mengapa
akhirnya aku memutuskan tuk menelpon rumah
setidaknya bisa membuatku tenang bila mendengar kabar bahwa keluargaku baik2 sajah
terlebih mendengar bahwa mereka khususnya mama bahagia di rumah
dan akhirnya aku berhasil menghubungi keluarga disana
senangnya hati ini begitu mendengar bahwa baik2 sajah
the pipit : kita abis dari TMII sama smuanyaaaa ada zahwa + rhadin jugaa
zahwa : aloo tante ayu zahwa abis naek kereta gantung,, tante lagi apa? Lagi di rusia yah?
Mama : iya mama juga kangen ayu juga , ga ada yg ribut yang rame lagiii
Papa : jaga diri aja disana yahh
Ka affan : pasti gratisann lagi lo tlpnya :p kapan pulang ???
Teneng : ,,,, terlalu banyak mengenai kerjaan, titipan,, dll
Dan ternyata ga tenang hati ini karnaaaaa merekaaa pergi tanpaaa gw hherhhheheehhe:p
Yang penting mereka senang dan sehat dan baik2 sajahh udahh bisa buat senang
Tapiii membuatku kangennnnnn
Just wanna say I Love u all u always in my heart ,,
Posted by tentang_ayu at Rabu, Februari 24, 2010 2 comments
Minggu, 07 Februari 2010
qoute of the month
"Fondness for someone grows slowly and naturally."
""The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.""
""Don't judge a person on your first meeting ""
"Your character is your prestige...."
"Let us not look Back in Anger, nor Forward in Fear, but Around in Awareness!"
"Breaking up with someone you care about is one of the toughest decisions any of us will ever have to go through"
"Don't let anyone take control of your Destiny!.....it's up to you how to make it and shape it!!..."
"the spiritual world is beyond the material,"
"Make peace with your past so it won't spoil the present."
"Opportunities may arrive at the wrong time but they leave at the right time......their time."
"Knowledge talks, wisdom listens."
"Inspiration can positively change one's way of life."
"Quality or quantity, which one you are gonna choose..."
"Parenting is about presence, not presents!"
One form of loving is when you just want the best for that person whether it includes you or not.
sometimes the best for you is not what you need..."
Once you've loved someone they will always have a part of your heart and be a part of it to."
"Today relation starts through phone , grows through messages nd ends with phone busy"
"We can make all our days a valentine day"
""It's just psychological.""
"We do need reassurance."
"We are responsible for our own actions!!"
"Love is not a maybe thing. You know when you love someone"
"Life is a constant ride on an emotional roller-coaster."
"If you don't control your own mind, then watch out, someone else will!"
"Feelings change memories don't."
"Baby create a connection between husband and wife."
"Never hold on to someone for life who was meant to be with you for only a season."
Posted by tentang_ayu at Minggu, Februari 07, 2010 0 comments
Minggu, 31 Januari 2010
1 nama pria lain dlam hidupku
jika ada 1 nama pria dalam hidupku selain ayah dan kaka2ku
adalah kamu
adank ,,,
bukan berarti sahabatku yang lain ( asto, resza ) tidak berartii, mereka tidak kalah berarti dalam hidupku
zundiah?? udahlahh yah buu lo satu2nya cewe diantara kita *selaen gw pastinya* dan itu udahh pastii gw sangat sayang ma lo,,bahkan sebelum kita kenal adank,resza,asto!! lo udah ada dalam hidup gw!!even kita sempet terpisah 3 tahun!!!
and i still love u until now!! and i hope it will be forever
adank selalu ada dalam setiap tetes air mata kesedihanku..
kamu selalu ada dalam setiap inci lebar senyumku ..
susah suka kamu selalu ada
mereka-pun ada
aku bisa menjadi diriku sendiri
aku bisa meluapkan semua apa yang ada dihati
aku bisa sangat bahagia
dan aku bisa menjadi sangat terluka
dia memberikanku ketulusan layaknya kaka
dia bisa memberikanku perlindungan layaknya keluarga
dia bisa memberikanku nasihat layaknya seorang ayah
dia bisa memberikanku perhatian layaknya seorang kekasih
namun terkadang dia bisa membuat diriku sangat bersedih layaknya org yg berduka
dia bisa membuat diriku sangat terluka layaknya senjata
dia bisa membuatku sakit layaknya syatan pisau
tapi aku bahagia memiliki sahabat seperti dia
aku bahagia dengan kesederhanaannya
dan aku juga ingin dia bahagia dengan memilikiku sebagai sahabat!!
bukan hanya aku yang bisa membagi kebahagiaan, kesedihanku padamu
aku juga ingin merasakan kebahagiann dan kesedihan yang kamu rasakan!!!
bukankah itu yang harus dimiliki sahabat?
bebagi suka dan duka?
kali ini aku hanya ingin MENDENGARKANmu bercerita
tentang kamu,, dan smua tentang kamu
agar aku tau
bukan hanya kamu yang tauu tentang aku
dan jangan buatku bersedih karna aku tidak tau apa2 tentang shabatku
jangan buatku merasa egois
but he's alwyas make me laugh every second in my life
and i hope i still have u to make me laugh every time in my life with all my best friends,,,
and i love u always as my best friend i ever had!!!!
* resza+asto+zundiah i love u more n more !!!
coz' u are make us Complete *
zundiah : u r the beatiful girl i ever see!!!! dan itu membuat gw ngiri!!! dan merasa ga da "tai2nya" klo jln
ma lo!! untungnyaaa gw mati rasa ma lo smua hehehe:p tapi justruuu bangga bgd pny temen
kaya lo!!* gw jadi bisa dandan dikit2 hehhehe:D love u bebz,,
resza : cowo terpendiemm yang pernah gw temuinn dan kita berhasil menaklukannn dia tuk jadii cerewet
walopun jadi konyol!!!hehehhe:p
asto : cowo labill!!! gede doank!! hahahhaa :p kadang alimmm bnged, kadang banggor!! tapi asto
cukup dewasaaa dan bisa ngelindungin kita dari gede-nya badan dia hehhehe:p!!
i love u guys!!!
Posted by tentang_ayu at Minggu, Januari 31, 2010 2 comments
Sabtu, 30 Januari 2010
quote of the month,,,
"As one year closes another decade fast approaches full of the prospect of improving on the past & creating new horizons."
""As Einstein said, "Your imagination is your preview of life's coming attractions" so dare to dream and reach for the skies.""
"If u are depressed u are living in past If u are anxious u are living in future If u are at peace u r living in present"
"Stress is all in the mind."
"It is always tempting to know what is INSIDE...whether it is a parcel or mind..."
"when you realize who matters,who never did and who never will you are happy"
"Disappointments can be viewed as necessary experience along the way to ultimate success."
""We may be disappointed with ourselves when we commit a sin. Yet, we can recover if we take proper and purposeful action and move forward.""
"It takes two to fight."
""It takes one to reconcile.""
"It no matter you ain't beautiful...as long as you are true to you"
"It takes two to fight."
""It takes one to reconcile.""
"No one can give you better advice than yourself."
"Sometimes A Sorry Being Said By The Mouth...Means Nothing From The Heart..."
"Relationships are never tough, its we humans which make them complicated ......"
"Never judge someone until you have walked a mile in there footsteps.."
"Everyone is searchin for somethin/someone for happiness but we r never full so 1 of de best solution is to compromise.."
"“Fears are nothing more than states of mind”"
"lets all pray for the Victims of Haiti Earthquake"
"truth of life: you may fall in love with the beauty of someone, but remember, finally you have to live with,,,"
""with the character, not with beauty.""
"We always fall in love with the most unexpected person.."
"Love alone is never enough to hold someone back unless it's the love of the one going."
""Our power is in our ability to decide.""
"Distance is just a test to see how far love can travel. "
I love you takes 3 seconds to say, 3 hours to explain, and a lifetime to prove.
"Inspiration can positively change one's way of life."
"Quality or quantity, which one you are gonna choose..."
"Parenting is about presence, not presents!"
It's better to love someone you can't have than to have someone you can't love
"Knowledge talks, wisdom listens."
"Opportunities may arrive at the wrong time but they leave at the right time......their time."
"Opportunities may arrive at the wrong time but they leave at the right time......their time."
"Make peace with your past so it won't spoil the present."
Posted by tentang_ayu at Sabtu, Januari 30, 2010 0 comments
im choosing not u
Beribu kata telah terucap
berjuta maksud kau sampaikan
bahwa tak hanya diriku,,
yang menjadi bunga hatimu
bahwa tak hanya diriku
yang berlari dalam pikiranmu
yang memanggil namamu
Aku bukanlah pelabuhan tempatmu bersandar
bersandar melepaskan kepenatan yang ada
yang hanya bersifat sementara
Namun aku laksana sebuah cayaha
Yang bersinar yg bisa menerangi jalanmu yg gelap,
Dengan rasa yg tulus sebagai energinya
yang di topang oleh sebuah kejujuran rasa
Dan dengan ratusan alasan mencari sebab
Dengan sebuah perbandingan....
hilangkan semua kebimbangan
tinggalkan saja diriku yang tak mungkin menunggu
menunggu sesuatu yang tak pasti
jangan pernah memilih karna aku bukan lah pilihan
dimana kamu bisa dengan leluasa memilih
layaknya memilih sebuah lukisan
tanpa ada tangung jawab terhadap perawatannya
tak perlu kau memilihku
aku wanita bukan tuk dipilih
dan bukan menjadikan sebuah pilihan akhir
karena kebahagiaan itu bukan pilihan
Tapi konsekwensi dari setiap pilihan
bahagia dengan pilihan atau
pilihan yang membuat bahagia
Posted by tentang_ayu at Sabtu, Januari 30, 2010 0 comments
Jumat, 29 Januari 2010
kau yang menjadi bayangku selama ini
yang selalu kudekap erat tanpa bisa kulepas,,
hingga waktu yang menjawab smua
selisih paham dan perbedaan pendapat antara kita
yang menjadikan dekapanku tak lagi erat,,,
namun entah mengapa smua itu terasa janggal dihatiku
ada hal yang kau rencanakan
entahlahh ini hanya perasaanku semata karena ingin mendapatkanmu kembali
Ataukah memang begitu adanya bahwa kau merencanakan sesuatu
terangkum semua hanya pada kata manis yang terikat diatas janji setia...
Yg ingin di ingkari dengan sejuta alasan
yg terbungkus indah dalam untaian kata
Adakah rasa di dalam sana rasa yg tulus rasa yg jujur
Dan rasa yg murni yg slama ini selalu di selimuti oleh berjuta rencana
yang membuat diriku kembali merangkul dan mendekapmu
namun itu tak lagi sama ketika pertama kali ku mendekapmu
ada bayang lain di hatiku yang merasuki begitu dalam
sesosok makhluk bernyawa yang indah yang mampu merenggangkan dekapanku terhadapmu
yang selama ini aku pikir hanya bisa dilepas oleh sebuah ikatan
auranya begitu terlihat jelas hingga mampu membunuh rasaku terhadapmu
yang telah aku bina dan kujaga selama ini menjadi rasa yang hambar
stiap dia tersenyum membuatku berhenti dan melupakan dunia nyata
namun janjiku tetap ku ucap padamu
aku memang ingin memilikimu pada awalnya namun
keinginan itu seakan luntur dan memudar menjadi sebuah keraguan
keraguan akan ucapan dibibirku akan janji setia
apakah ini hanya sebatas rasa keingintahuanku terhadap
apa yang terencana dan menjadi obsesiku slama ini
atau tanpa ingin tau lebih mengenai rencanamu karena diriku telah berpaling pada sosok lain
sosok yang menarik hatiku tuk mengetahui lebih jauh siapa dia,,
yang bukan hanya sbatas angan yg kelamaan
seperti yang terjadi selama ini
dan biarlah menjadi rahasia diantara smua
bahwa dialah yang mampu membuat aku jatuh cinta saat ini
andaikan aku sekarang bisa memilih,,
diantara kebimbangan ini
namun aku tak sanggup ,, tak mampu memilih
Posted by tentang_ayu at Jumat, Januari 29, 2010 0 comments
Selasa, 26 Januari 2010
I’m like melody in your head
and every day is always replaying in ur mind,,
that u was say last night to me
okay u got “eight” point for that word,,,
the word that can make me fly high enough
but I got my “ten” point for my word
the word that can make u addicted so high to me
and u can’t do nothing
I know you want me so badly
and yes honestly I want u too,,
we are an affair,,
when ur lips come to my lips,,
and go down to the shoulder come to the neck and down,,
when ur hand around in my body
feel it ,, enjoy it,,
like u don’t want missing this chance
and I don’t have any space to breath
when the our body becoming one and bonded ,,
u got me every single in my body
we do again and again
this is the hottest affair that I ever mad,,,
the hottest kisses I ever had,,
Posted by tentang_ayu at Selasa, Januari 26, 2010 0 comments
Kamis, 21 Januari 2010
to be perfect
Tidak perlu sempurna
Aku hanya ingin berjalan mengalir layaknya air
Hanya menjadikan smua tanpa jarak tanpa celah
Tanpa batas yang hanya bisa memisahkan kita
Entah dari pengaruh luar
Entah dari kebohongan dan kemunafikan semata
Berjalan apa adanya
Tanpa dinding besar ke”gengsian”
And it will be perfect for me,,
When you keep your eyes upon me,
keep me in your sight,
Help me don the crooked road,
lead me to the light.
The road I'm on is dark,
I'm not sure if I know the way,
Yet with you right beside me,
I'm certain I won't stray.
Protect me from the world,
I know we'll make it through,
Give me all the strength I need.....
Let me lean on you
Posted by tentang_ayu at Kamis, Januari 21, 2010 0 comments
Jumat, 15 Januari 2010
Aku memang bukan orang yang peka
Aku memang bukan orang yang perasa
Aku memang tidak sama dengan lelaki lain
Yang bisa memberikan kamu setangkai mawar
Layaknya pria romantic
Yang bisa memberikan perhatian lebih
Layaknya ksatria kerajaan
aku hanya ingin nampak sempurna dihadapanmu
Aku hanya seorang pria biasa
Yang jatuh hati padamu
Yang hanya bisa memberikan cahaya saat kamu tersesat
Yang hanya bisa menyinari warnamu disaat redup
Yang hanya bisa menjadi imam dalam menempuh jalan yang kamu tuju
Kamu tetap menjadi yang pertama bagiku
Bukan yang kedua apalagi cadangan seperti orang bilang,,
How can I move on when I’m still in love with u ?
You are what u think you
Just trust me this time
That I need u , that I really need u to part of my life,,
Part of my destination
Just trust me this time
U may be the mirror of my dreams
U are My destination
That I really want u ,and spend the time together,,
Until the end of my life,
Posted by tentang_ayu at Jumat, Januari 15, 2010 0 comments
Senin, 11 Januari 2010
i know u want me,,, pitt bull
Ha, ha
It's Mr. 305 checkin' in for the remix
You know that S 75 Street Brazil?
Well this year's gon' be called Calle Ocho
Ha, ha
Que ola cata, que ola omega
And this how we gon' do it, dale
One two three four
Uno dos tres cuatro
I know you want me, want me
You know I want cha, want cha
I know you want me
You know I want cha, want cha
I know you want me, want me
You know I want cha, want cha
I know you want me
You know I want cha, want cha
(Ha ha ha)
One two three four
Uno do' tres cuatro
Rumba, si
Ella quiere su Rumba, como?
Rumba, si
Ella quiere su Rumba, como?
Si es verdad que tu eres guapa
Yo te voy a poner gozar
Tu tiene la boca grande
Dale ponte a jugar, como?
One two three four
Uno dos tres cuatro
6 to tha clock, on my way to the top uh
Pit got it locked from brews to the locker
All I.P uh, big and packer
That he's not, but damn he's hot
Label flop but Pit won't stop
Got her in the car, quit playin' with his, como?
Watch him make a movie like Albert Hitchcock, ha enjoy me
I know you want me, want me
You know I want cha, want cha
I know you want me
You know I want cha, want cha
I know you want me, want me
You know I want cha, want cha
I know you want me
You know I want cha, want cha
(Ha ha ha)
One two three four
Uno dos tres cuatro
Rumba, si
Ella quiere su Rumba, como?
Rumba, si
Ella quiere su Rumba, como?
Si es verdad que tu eres guapa
Yo te voy a poner gozar
Tu tiene la boca grande
Dale ponte a jugar, como?
One two three four
Uno dos tres cuatro
Mami got an ass like a donkey, with a monkey
Look like King Kong, welcome to the crib
305, that's what it is
With a woman down here the s*** don't play games
They off the chain, and they let her do everything
And anything, hit tha thing
And they love to get it in, get it on her
All night long, dale
I know you want me, want me
You know I want cha, want cha
I know you want me
You know I want cha, want cha
I know you want me, want me
You know I want cha, want cha
I know you want me
You know I want cha, want cha
(Ha ha ha)
One two three four
Uno dos tres cuatro
Rumba, si
Ella quiere su Rumba, como?
Rumba, si
Ella quiere su Rumba, como?
Si es verdad que tu eres guapa
Yo te voy a poner gozar
Tu tiene la boca grande
Dale ponte a jugar, como?
One two three four
Uno dos tres cuatro
Baby you can get it, if you with it we can play
Baby I got cribs, I got condos we can stay
Even got a king size mattress we can lay
Baby I don't care, I don't care, what they say
I know you want me, want me
You know I want cha, want cha
I know you want me
You know I want cha, want cha
I know you want me, want me
You know I want cha, want cha
I know you want me
You know I want cha, want cha
(Ha ha ha)
One two three four
Uno dos tres cuatro
Rumba, si
Ella quiere su Rumba, como?
Rumba, si
Ella quiere su Rumba, como?
Si es verdad que tu eres guapa
Yo te voy a poner gozar
Tu tiene la boca grande
Dale ponte a jugar, como?
One two three four
Uno dos tres cuatro
Posted by tentang_ayu at Senin, Januari 11, 2010 0 comments
Sabtu, 02 Januari 2010
so attempted -continue 2-
Tidak ada perasaan special hari ini
Aku hanya akan pergi bermain malam ini
Tidak ada yang special pada awalnya
Sampai aku bertemu seorang pria
pria yang cukup membuatku tak berhenti menatapnya
untuk sesaat aku pada pertemuan pertama
sadar akan pandangannya terhadapku
yang kemudian membuat aku tertarik untuk mengetahui lebih tentang dia
Hingga aku tau kebenaran
Kau sudah tidak sendiri lagi
Entahlah aku tidak mengerti akan dirimu
memberikan arti namun sulit kutebak
Entah karena kamu memang tidak menyadarinya
Atau karena kamu bersembunyi dalam kemunafikan hati
Atau karena memang tidak ada percikan rasa didirimu
Yang berarti aku salah mengartikan,
Aku tau Tak mungkin bagimu tuk berpaling dari sisi cintamu,,
Yang membelengumu,,
kucoba mengerti alur dari cerita kita
kisah manis denganmu
aku tidak pernah menginginkan menjadi seperti itu
menjadi seorang yang berada berdiri diantara hubungan 2 manusia
namun aku hanya merasakan apa yang aku rasakan
bahwa aku memang merasakan perasaan itu
perasaan akan memilikimu secara utuh
aku tau perasaan itu salah,,
namun aku tidak bisa mengatur perasaan ini,,
inilah adanya,,,menjadi sebuah dilemma,,
menjadi sangat complicated,,
mungkin memang baiknya aku harus pergi
becaming secret admire and I will keep u in my memories,,
Don’t close your eyes,,
namun mengapa harus memungkiri cinta
mencari akhir yang semestinya
Biarkan lah hati yg bicara
Diantara rasa yang akan membawa
Pada suatu kejujuran,,
Tanpa ada yang di rugikan,,
Bukan dia dan bukan juga aku,,
Karena semakin ku lebih dekat denganmu
kau biarkan cinta kita hanyut dalam asmara yang terlanjur terjadi,,
Dengan semua ketidaksengajaan dan dengan semua kesengajaan yang terjadi
Aku semakin ingin bersamamu
maafkan aku telah mengangumu,,
Posted by tentang_ayu at Sabtu, Januari 02, 2010 0 comments