"Hatred is Self-punishment!!"
"Imagination is more important than knowledge."
"Our health condition will only be as good or bad as we make it."
""It's not that difficult to avoid matters as smoking, drugs or other things that might ruin our health.""
"Nothing is good or bad thinking makes it so"
"Don't say 'Yes' when u want to say 'No' !"
"Love is about feeling beautiful inside as well"
"Your greatest power is the power to choose...."
"Harmony............. ...Balance your mind, body, and soul!"
Home is in my moms eyes
God doesn’t improve , he perfect he doesn’t enhance he complete
Ladies if u’ve been cheated that doesn’t make u a less lovable person at all
U’ll never have true happiness until u do what fulfills u
All of my smile will tell u about him
Its only a words are all I have to take ur heart away
Sometimes u cant see urself until u see ur self through the eyes of others
Im leaving because u never asked me to stay
May be he’s a boy but im not that girl
Just becos u deserve it doesn’t mean they’re going to give it to u. you have to fight for it
Just because I don’t cry in front of u doesn’t means im heartless
Just because u think u know me doesn’t mean u actually do
Most dude are cool with females having fake hair,nails n so on. Its just the fake female that’s a problem
The only way to 4get a old love is to get a new love
Theres no cure for heartbreak but laughter a good medicine
Having sharp memory is great but sometimes the ability 2 forget is a lot better
Id rather be beat up than ignored. bruises last a few days but loneliness lasts 4ever
If conversation is a lyric laughter is a music
But this is the sad part we weren’t even 2gether n he broke my heart
Do not love one, not two. But love the one who loves you TOO.
Do not love three, not four. But love the one who loves you MORE
Do not love five, not six. But love the one who truly STICKS.
Do not love seven, not eight. But love the one who is willing to WAIT.
Do not love nine, not ten. But love the one who'll love you until the END.
"man tries to control the environment but nature will prove him wrong, eventually"
""volcanoes preventing flights, tsunamis, earthquakes... better off living with nature than against it""
"It is the things in common tht make relationships enjoyable, but it's the little differences that make them interesting"
"Look backward with gratitude and forward with confidence."
"god is omnipresent ."
"do not be afraid to make mistakes but do not repeat them."
"" A person can be beautiful on the outside, but true beauty comes from the inside. ""
"If you were to make the biggest decision in your life, would you rather be "Happy but wrong or sad but right?""
"Don't Limit Your Challenges.... Challenge Your Limits."
"Lifes joys come from relationships and friendships, not from material things!"
"Which team you encourage for the world cup 2010" -for me HOLLAND-
"silence is mysterious, but too much is too boring"
"Everytime you stumble, become stronger...not more vulnerable..."
"Life is like a spinning wheel..sometimes you're up, sometimes you're down.."
""Smile you're lucky when you're up there..but don't forget that you've been down there.""
"It´s never too late to start being a better person."
""Kinder, gentler, compassionate, understanding, patient, loving.""
"The feeling of falling in love is better than falling in love ; ))"
"We do not remember days; we remember moments...."
"The roles of a mother and father are different responsibilities than those of husband and wife."
Just a thought: If people talk behind your back, it simply means you are several steps ahead of them. -Dr.Seuss
"Ability may get you to the top, but it takes character to keep you there. "
"Relationships stand threatened by lack of trust and transparency than anything else."
"Remember the best relationship is one in which your love for each other exceeds your need for each other."
"Great is the man who sees the bright side of LIFE"
"Love dont need reasons, but to stop loving needs reason. "
"The mind is everything. What you think you become."
"Bad habits have short term benefits but long term consequences"
"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards"
"There's a great contentment in living life unconditionally."
A Special 75th Birthday
5 tahun yang lalu
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