In real life, people judge me from my actions without knowing the reason behind it
That u think u are so naïf?
You think that u are nice more that me?
No!! you not better than me,,
you have 2 face
innocent and liar
That you remember that I know about you too honey?
I’m here not to threaten you
Just keep your fuckin big mouth
But just remember that Lies are like balloons.
You made the story up, it gets bigger as you blow, and then, it will pop sooner or late
N do u think I’m here just quite and not do anything?
No,, you wrong honey
You don’t know me very well
What ever your hiding someday he/she will know what you do
And I know that,,,
Don’t ever to start the game with the person that u don’t know honey
U really in a big trouble,,,
Do u ready for that?
PS : Friends never make assumptions about you. in fact friends only expect you to be you
True friends is some1 u can trust with all ur secret
A Special 75th Birthday
5 tahun yang lalu
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