"As one year closes another decade fast approaches full of the prospect of improving on the past & creating new horizons."
""As Einstein said, "Your imagination is your preview of life's coming attractions" so dare to dream and reach for the skies.""
"If u are depressed u are living in past If u are anxious u are living in future If u are at peace u r living in present"
"Stress is all in the mind."
"It is always tempting to know what is INSIDE...whether it is a parcel or mind..."
"when you realize who matters,who never did and who never will you are happy"
"Disappointments can be viewed as necessary experience along the way to ultimate success."
""We may be disappointed with ourselves when we commit a sin. Yet, we can recover if we take proper and purposeful action and move forward.""
"It takes two to fight."
""It takes one to reconcile.""
"It no matter you ain't beautiful...as long as you are true to you"
"It takes two to fight."
""It takes one to reconcile.""
"No one can give you better advice than yourself."
"Sometimes A Sorry Being Said By The Mouth...Means Nothing From The Heart..."
"Relationships are never tough, its we humans which make them complicated ......"
"Never judge someone until you have walked a mile in there footsteps.."
"Everyone is searchin for somethin/someone for happiness but we r never full so 1 of de best solution is to compromise.."
"“Fears are nothing more than states of mind”"
"lets all pray for the Victims of Haiti Earthquake"
"truth of life: you may fall in love with the beauty of someone, but remember, finally you have to live with,,,"
""with the character, not with beauty.""
"We always fall in love with the most unexpected person.."
"Love alone is never enough to hold someone back unless it's the love of the one going."
""Our power is in our ability to decide.""
"Distance is just a test to see how far love can travel. "
I love you takes 3 seconds to say, 3 hours to explain, and a lifetime to prove.
"Inspiration can positively change one's way of life."
"Quality or quantity, which one you are gonna choose..."
"Parenting is about presence, not presents!"
It's better to love someone you can't have than to have someone you can't love
"Knowledge talks, wisdom listens."
"Opportunities may arrive at the wrong time but they leave at the right time......their time."
"Opportunities may arrive at the wrong time but they leave at the right time......their time."
"Make peace with your past so it won't spoil the present."
A Special 75th Birthday
5 tahun yang lalu
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