"Don't let frustration rule and ruin your life..."
""Self pity, more than anything, interferes with positive actions and moving forward. ""
only if we meet strangers, we can make friends."
"Life is all about managing different kinds of people and circumstances...."
Anyone dressing up for Halloween? I am going as an angel, what about you?"
"One of the most wonderful things in life is knowing someone you love is loving you back."
"Accept the people with their strong and weak points, no body is perfect, humans R blend of different diverse characters"
never rush in making commitment in a relationship..."
""believe it or not...? find out urself if it's real or just a crush...before making a big step...CRUSH only lasts for few months...!!!! i think so...""
"If every story has a happy ending we might not learn."
""cos if the story ends happily we might not turn back and think which prevents us from learning.""
"Jealousy is the only vice that gives no pleasure. "
"Confession is the beginning of forgiveness."
"Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else"
"lets forget the past and focus on future
don t wait for the judgment day cause it happen everyday till ur death
""Anger and rudeness are a weak persons' false show of strength but politeness and cool mind reflects dignity"
""and strength of a strong person"""
"Temptation... Many of us are weak to it. Only some of us are able to resist it with or without help from others"
"Every new day is another chance to change your life."
"Human relationships give life to our life...."
""I'm talking about the "healthy" ones.""
"Fair and credible media is badly needed to ensure a true globalization."
""Killings, injuries, terror, fear, injustice and unresolved issues are seen throughout the world as a result of lies and fabrications of the irresponsible media.""
"There are those you want... but can never have"
""and those that you can have.. you don't exactly want!""
"The completeness we sense in life comes not always from the external but from what we feel and sense within...."
"The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a man's determination."
ate controls who walks into ur life but u decide who u let walkout, who u let stay and who u refuse to let go."
"Your body language speaks your mind........"
"Thanksgiving day...Grace isn't a little prayer you chant before receiving a meal. It's a way to live"
""And to all my Muslim friends Happy Eid to you and all your family … wish you many blessings returns … ... Happy Eidu ! May Allah bless you richly""
"do the planets have a direct influence on our day to day activities and our lives"
"Often people blame their luck... But they forget it's not a matter of chance, rather it's a matter of choice...."
"It's not a good idea to start dating a friend."
""Things may eventually go haywire!""
A Special 75th Birthday
5 tahun yang lalu
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