Decide to
Now I feel that I can't breathe
I feel that I can't be my self
I can’t be strong when I'm alone
Don't you dare treat me.
like you don't know me
maybe it better for me to leave u
leave u so far away
I'd try to get you out of my mind
& many times I try to step on the ground
when now you're out of my world, don't know where to find you
but shape of you, taste of you, smell of you
Spinning in my head..
I’m Goin crazy just because of you!!
You are the one that means a lot for my life
But I don’t know do I means a lot for u too
You control me, you control me..
I feel that u control me
Take me out of here!!
I wanna be free,,
I just can’t stand without a hope
Coz’ I’ll stand for hope that I call new life,,
With or without you,,
A Special 75th Birthday
5 tahun yang lalu
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