love not definite between 2 people was falling in love
love not definite between 2 people with different gender
between man and woman
love is so large
love for best friend
love for family
love for a dream
and when that love test
in two different good choice
bout selfish and bout mother feeling
its my dream
i wait so long for this and coming to my life
im just walking my way
but when it coming why i must to let it go?
the most person with a big hope & strength
and a part of her has grown in me
trust me i always wanna make u happy
i wanna make you smile
but mom,,
i just want u to know
look at me i have a dream
i have a my own way
to realized
even this chance will left me,
but my dream cannot leave from my heart
the more i feel
the more i see in everything that passion me
the more i feel
the more i believe in everything
makes me want to live
i just don't to be hide and break a silence
to looking expectations then just can make me dissapointed in the end
i never thought that I'm so strong
and mom
how do i know the best if i never try
if this ur decision
your feeling d best for me
i just don't wanna make u hurt anymore again
even it can make me hurt
and make my tears fall down
i really love u
A Special 75th Birthday
5 tahun yang lalu
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