"Woman was created from the rib of man
Not from his head to be above him
Nor his feet to be walked upon
But from his side to be equal
Near his arm to be protected
And close to his heart to be loved"
-Dale S. Hadley-
" Don't marry the person you think you can live with; marry only the individual you think you can't live without " - James C. Dobson
"Don't walk in front of me, I maynot follow
Don't walk behind me, I maynot lead
Just walk beside me & be my love FOREVER...!"
"For hearing my thoughts, understanding my dreams and being my best friend, for filling my life with joy and loving me without end, I do." - Unknown -
"I love you, not because who you are, but what you made me when I'm beside you"
"The road to true love was never easy, I know I've hit all the bumps, but now I'm standing strong saying, I love you, 'til the end of time."
"Marriage is like a song, where the Lord's sweet melody of love comes from two hearts joined as one, husband and wife."
"Many marriages would be better if the husband and the wife clearly
understood that they are on the same side." - Zig Ziglar
"We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly." - Sam Keen
"Love is not just looking at each other,
It's looking in the same direction" - Antoine de Saint-Exupery, Wind, Sand and Stars, French writer (1900 - 1944)
“All married couples should learn the art of battle as they should learn the art of making love” - Ann Landers
"Marriage has less beauty but more safety than a single life; it’s full of sorrows and full of joys. It lies under more burdens, but it is supported by all the strengths of love, and those burdens are delightful."
taken from movie: "Forces of Nature"
"You don't love your wife because she is beautiful, but she is beautiful because you love her with all your heart" -Unknown-
"It takes three seconds to say I love you. Three hours to explain it and a lifetime to prove it."
"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength; loving someone deeply gives you courage."-Lao Tzu-
"It takes a minute to like someone, and hour to love someone, but to forget someone takes a life time." - Unknown
"Morning is a wonderful blessing, either sunny or stormy.
It stands for hope ... giving us another start of what we call Life" - Anonymous
"When I wake up, turn over, and see you lying next me, I can't help but smile; it will be a good day simply because I started it with you."
"Love is not about finding the right person, but creating a right relationship. It's not about how much love you have in the beginning but how much love you build till the end."
"True love is when the reality of everyday life seems like a dream, and every wonderful dream each night is fulfilled in real life."
"love means to commit oneself without guarantee"
A Special 75th Birthday
5 tahun yang lalu
mo nikah bu .....
nikah mah mauu tapi kapan + sama siapa nyaaa yg ga tauu
*jaraan kaka ayu nehh*
thank for collecting it, so beautiful :)
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